Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Our services.

Viveen Safety Solutions is a specialist in the field of HVK, HSE & Heavy lifting

30 years of experience
30 years of experience

More than 30 years of experience and 14 years of independent safety expert in construction, infrastructure, chemistry and heavy lifting.

Specialist in heavy lifting
Specialist in heavy lifting

Viveen Safety Support is extra specialized in heavy lifting and heavy equipment. From bridges to windmills.

Direct communication
Direct communication

Clear communication and short lines allow them to switch adequately and quickly.

Project Planning
Project Planning

Viveen Safety Support helps you to make a good H&S plan. This way you have mapped out all risks in advance.


Viveen safety support has all the necessary training and certificates


Making a risk inventory and evaluation prevents high absenteeism and / or the failure of production or projects.

Onze dienstverlening

Task risk analysis

A Task Risk Analysis (TRA) is a risk assessment of a task that is carried out well in advance of the performance of the work to determine and prepare measures for safe working.


Yes, in a sense doing business means accepting risks. But what if you cannot sufficiently oversee the consequences of these risks? An accident or failure due to too much / too much work will cause ….

Pandemic plan (Corona)

Corona has a major impact on your organization. You need clarity: what is and what is not allowed in the workplace? How do you keep your employees healthy? Viveen Safety support Ltd. hel …

Site management

Viveen Safety support is the link between you and your implementing parties. We combine knowledge of strategic interests with in-depth technical knowledge. That’s for all …

Soil and subsurface advice

The soil is literally the foundation of a sustainable living environment. Whether it concerns the purchase or sale of land, changes in business activities, location or area developments …

Process safety

Process safety is of great importance to producers in the food industry, chemical industry and oil and gas. During use, maintenance or expansion of the installation, …

Safety plan

During the preparation of a safety plan, it is described what has been arranged to guarantee the safety and health of all implementing parties at a project location.

Machine safety

Machine safety is of great importance when bringing machines to the market. In the Netherlands, this means meeting the requirements of the Machinery Commodities Act Decree on Machines.

Get in touch

    Long-lasting relationships with satisfied clients

    Safety above all! These clients thought so too.
    Together with them, we have improved the working environment for thousands of employees and made it safer.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos