Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Soil and subsurface advice

Soil and subsurface advice

The soil is literally the foundation of a sustainable living environment. Whether it concerns the purchase or sale of land, changes in business activities, site or area developments or soil energy, there is a very good chance that you will have to deal with soil issues.


Thats why Viveen

De juiste ondergrond is de fundering van uw bedrijf

Viveen Safety Support has more than 10 years of experience in the field of soil and groundwater problems. We are involved in the innovation of soil research and remediation, policy and regulations, and closely monitor developments in this area.

Thanks to these years of experience, we deliver custom work that meets your specific needs. Our consultants know the practice: from initiative to implementation and aftercare. Within the applicable frameworks of soil laws and regulations, we advise you how to deal smartly and (cost) responsibly with the risks of soil contamination, objects and objects on or in the soil and also facilitate communication with the competent authority.

In addition, our soil consultants strive for sustainability and efficiency, by identifying the opportunities of the soil for your plans (for example with regard to soil energy, water, space and raw materials) .Due to the diversity of expertise within our company, we combine our technical, legal and financial knowledge in the field of soil quality with knowledge of other fields. This integrated approach to soil issues supports you in achieving the most suitable total solution for your plans, as well as in coordination with the environment and stakeholders.

Get in touch

    Long-lasting relationships with satisfied clients

    Safety above all! These clients thought so too.
    Together with them, we have improved the working environment for thousands of employees and made it safer.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos