Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Terms and Conditions

Viveen Safety Support BV, established in Vuren and registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht under file number 82173648 and other companies associated with this company

Article 1. Applicability

These general terms and conditions and provisions apply to all our offers, to all assignments to us and to all with us agreements concluded. By merely issuing an assignment, the client also accepts our general terms and conditions and determinations. Insofar as contrary to written purchase, tendering or other conditions of the client, our conditions take precedence, unless and insofar as conditions of the client have been accepted by us in writing.

Article 2. Offers
Article 3. Prices / Changes
Article 4. Payment
Article 5. Guarantee
Article 6. Retention of title; transfer of ownership
Article 7. Liability
Artikel 8. Beëindiging overeenkomst
Article 9. Non-competition clause
Article 10. Prevention of performance of activities
Article 11. Amendments to the agreement
Article 12. Cancellation costs of training and courses at training locations selected by us
Article 13. Applicable law