Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Draw up a safety plan

Draw up a safety plan

During the preparation of a safety plan, it is described what has been arranged to guarantee the safety and health of all implementing parties at a project location. During the safety plan implementation phase, there is an obligation under the Working Conditions Decree. Our certified safety experts are happy to guide you in drawing up a well thought-out and practical safety plan!


That's why Viveen

The importance of a safety plan

The safety plan and the implementation phase describe what has been arranged to guarantee the safety and health of all implementing parties at a project location. The safety plan is an obligation under the Working Conditions Decree. Our certified safety expert will be happy to guide you in drawing up a well thought-out and practical safety plan.

As a result, we set up a safety plan for the implementation phase that complies with the obligations of the Working Conditions Decree and that also works in practice!

Due to my extensive experience as certified safety experts (HVK, MVK and BVK), I am well able to estimate what the effectiveness and feasibility of safety and health measures on paper actually mean in the implementation.

With Viveen Safety Support you are assured of an expert party who can think along about safety and business processes during all project phases. In addition to drawing up the safety plan for the implementation phase, we can provide complete safety coordination, so that you can focus on the content of your core business without any worries.

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    Duurzame relaties met tevreden opdrachtgevers

    Veiligheid boven alles! Dat vonden deze opdrachtgevers ook.
    Samen met hun hebben we de werkomgeving van duizenden werknemers verbeterd en veiliger gemaakt.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos