Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Pandemic plan & protocol

Pandemic plan & protocol

Corona has a major impact on your organization. You need clarity: what is and what is not allowed in the workplace? How do you keep your employees healthy? Viveen Safety Support Ltd. helps you with the content and implementation of your corona protocol.


That's why Viveen

Guarantee the health and safety of your employees

You want to guarantee the health and safety of your employees. Even in times of corona. That is why you may have already taken corona measures within your organization, but are they sufficient? Kader’s Corona Plan provides clarity.

What do the corona measures mean for you? Things are very different on a construction site than in a school or production environment. How can you comply with the RIVM guidelines and what is involved? During the corona crisis you want to work as responsibly as possible from the context of your own organization or industry. Kader helps you identify risks and dangers and take corona measures. We analyze your organization thoroughly and come up with a practical plan of action. A corona plan with a corona protocol fully tailored to your industry, processes and employees. You can also hire a corona coach who supervises the implementation of the measures.

The value of having a pandemic plan & protocol

As an organization, you fulfill your duty of care under the Working Conditions Act: you enable employees to do their work safely and healthily. But now that the corona virus is affecting your business operations, your current risk inventory & evaluation (RI&E) is no longer up to date. With our Corona plan you know exactly where the points of attention lie for your organization. You can take sound measures and inform and instruct employees.

Viveen Safety Support is deep in the corona matter and can provide you with a custom corona plan and corona protocol that really benefits you. These advisers are also active for various clients. They understand your industry and can quickly apply successes at other companies within your organization.

Get in touch

    Long-lasting relationships with satisfied clients

    Veiligheid boven alles! Dat vonden deze opdrachtgevers ook.
    Samen met hun hebben we de werkomgeving van duizenden werknemers verbeterd en veiliger gemaakt.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos