Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1

Process safety

Process safety

Process safety is of great importance to producers in the food industry, chemical industry and oil and gas. Complicating factors may arise in the process during the use, maintenance or expansion of the installation. All risks must be made manageable. Kader takes care of process safety and supports working with hazardous substances.


Daarom Viveen

Prevent major accidents with process safety

Process safety is of great importance to manufacturers in the food industry, chemical industry and the oil and gas industry, among others. During use, maintenance or expansion of the installation, hazardous substances can be released, which can lead to complicating factors in the safety of the process. All risks that may then arise must be made manageable. This is an obligation under the Working Conditions and BRZO legislation (Major Accidents Risk Decree). Kader relieves you of the process safety of your installation and offers specialist support when working with hazardous substances.

The value of process safety

Viveen safrety support ltd. approaches process safety from a technology and especially a safety point of view. Our safety experts have extensive experience in the food industry and chemical industry. This allows them to estimate very well what the risks may be and which complicating factors may occur in practice.

In doing so, we make use of the technical knowledge that is often available at the client or, if necessary, we hire technical knowledge from one of our partners. The translation of the technology that should be safe on paper, into the risks that can occur in practice when using, maintaining or expanding the installation, is an absolute added value of Viveen Safety Support ltd.

Get in touch

    Long-lasting relationships with satisfied clients

    Safety above all! These clients thought so too.
    Together with them, we have improved the working environment for thousands of employees and made it safer.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos