Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 GMT +1


Risk assessment and evaluation

Yes, in a sense doing business means accepting risks. But what if you cannot sufficiently oversee the consequences of these risks? An accident or outage due to too much / too much work will cause production to come to a standstill or you will temporarily have to manage with one less person. In addition, replacement and medical costs are added.


That's why Viveen

The value of RI&E

A Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) provides insight into the most important risks within your organization in the field of safety, health and welfare. Based on a number of checklists, Viveen Safety Support identifies and evaluates the possible risks and their seriousness. A Plan of Action with management and improvement measures is the second part of a good RI&E. An RI&E is mandatory by the government for almost every entrepreneur with personnel.

RI&E in progress

Specific rules apply depending on the size and nature of the processes in your organization. In some industries, smaller organizations are legally not required to have the RI&E tested. Although we advise all companies to provide an up-to-date and tested RI&E. Besides the fact that with the RI&E you have insight into your risks, the RI&E also prevents discussion with insurers if something unexpectedly goes wrong in your organization. Virtually all liability policies have exclusion if government regulations are not met. The lack of an RI&E can be seen as such a violation.

Get in touch

    Long-lasting relationships with satisfied clients

    Safety above all! These clients thought so too.
    Together with them, we have improved the working environment for thousands of employees and made it safer.

    Congratulations on your new website

    Dear Rick, congratulations on your new website! We would like to thank you for the trust and pleasant cooperation! In addition, we look forward to working together to make more companies aware of a safe working environment. Together we will ensure that we reach many companies.

    Marijn Bos