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Task risk analysis .

Task risk analysis

A Task Risk Analysis (TRA) is a risk assessment of a task that is carried out well in advance of the performance of the work to determine and prepare measures for safe working. In this toolbox we explain when and how to perform a TRA.


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When is a TRA necessary?

It is important to prepare a TRA if:

Work is carried out with a high risk and existing procedures cannot be followed;
Procedures or work instructions must be drawn up or adjusted;
Activities are being performed for the first time and the risks and undesirable consequences are not yet known;
A TRA procedure requires this for certain activities.

The issuer of a work permit may require you to submit a TRA for high-risk activities. The TRA is an addition to the RI&E.

A TRA may be required in the following situation:
The work consists of disconnecting and lifting a pump for chemicals that is connected to an installation. No standard work instruction is available for these activities. The work is performed incidentally and the risks seem high.

Method of drawing up a TRA

Best, the method can be described in a TRA procedure. The client is responsible for a properly executed TRA. Always involve a few people who will carry out the work and possibly a technical and / or safety specialist when drawing up a TRA. Make sure everyone is well aware of the situation while performing the work. Preferably look at the place where the work will take place and make sure that information such as technical drawings and instructions are available. Systematically map out activities, risks and control measures.

Use a form and indicate this:
1. A brief and clear description of the work, for example “The development of pump P506 in pump pit 500” and the names and functions of all persons involved in drawing up the TRA;
2. What steps are taken consecutively in the work;
3. Determine per step what the risks are and write them down;
4. Establish measures that reduce the risk as much as possible. Preferably choose source measures.

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